Friday 28 January 2011

Hand's Held High

Last week saw the 3DS press event that showed all the features that the 3DS had to ofter. Apart from the obvious addition of 3D the 3DS also has multiple cameras,web browser an analog stick and gyroscope technology. The 3DS graphics well outdo the Wii with Resident Evil looking nearly a good as both the x box and ps3 versions of the game and with the addition of 3DS will give a great a graphic experience if used right.

The price of the 3DS was also reveled at the press event with the standalone unit costing £220. Personally I think this price way to much money for a hand-held console but the price will know-doubt reduce after it release.

This week has seen the announcement of the new PSP which has been named the NGP (next generation portable).Like the 3DS the shape of the console has not change a great deal from the original PSP. One of the first thinks that you notice when first looking at the NGP, is the addition of a second analog stick something that many people believed the PSP needed.

The NGP also features an impressive array of specs these include a front facing OLED touch screen and back touch panel the NGP also features 3G for online gaming on the go.Graphics wise the NGP really impresses with a uncharted demo looking just a good as it's PS3 counterpart.

No price has been announced for the NGP but i suspect that it will cost more than the 3DS at launch and details of if you have to pay for the 3G function have not been given.

Overall both hand-held's are looking to be great potable gaming platforms will you be buying one and if so for what price?       

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