Monday 18 April 2011

Xbox Rewards!

If you didn't already know have started a reward system to thank their uses, although they don't seem to reward us that much as there is almost no advertising on the service. The rewards are basically just Microsoft points but they don't come free and are quite hard to come by for example I have had a Xbox rewards account since December in that time I have only gained 100ms points and that was by answering one survey every month that gained me 20ms each time.

Now that I have 100points they can then be transferred to my Xbox live account but it may take up-to a month for the transfer. They're other ways you can earn points but these involve buying certain things of the market place so really it's more of a discount there are also daily competitions to win ms points by answering gaming trivia. Although the service in still in it's early stages it is still well worth signing up for any Xbox gamer. Click below to go to the site.      

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