Wednesday 13 July 2011

Holiday, Steam, TF2 and Sales!

Holidays and sales, my excuse for not updating.

So yet again I have neglected to update my blog or even YouTube this time though I kinda have a good excuse. The last week I have been on Holiday so the internet and gaming news have been hard to come across thankfully the only thing that seems to have happened in the last week is the steam sale, which yes I have brought off :).

That is kinda my excuse for not updating this week too as I have been playing the games that I brought of the sale these are all exclusive pc games Trine , Torchlight and Amnesia. These are all great games that I will probably be talking about and recommending on here soon.

As I have been on steam alot I decide to have a go on TF2 to see what it's like now it's free. I have played alot off TF2 especially when it first came out, but more recently I have not played it in about a year. The game has changed greatly since then but its still as fun as I remember. I have made use of the new replay editor and you can see the results below.

Not to great but will hope fully be able to come up with something better soon.

Oh yeah and also new Serious Sam and Cranky and Angry podcast soon.     


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