Sunday 17 July 2011

Blog Redesign and New Serious Sam Episode

So I've redesigned the blog to make it look better and more unique hopefully you like it, if you think it could be improved at all please say in the comments. Watch out for the next episode Angry's and Cranky's gaming podcast were we will be talking about thing that I haven't wrote in this blog which is a lot of stuff with game-play from Dirt 2 :D.

Also be sure to watch the next episode of our Serious Sam lets play it's more of the same no stop action with stupid amounts of enemy's with near god mode health. If your new to this series I recommend watching the first episode as it is a good example of what to come.

1 comment:

  1. Cool! I'll be starting the weekend reviewing all the episodes for this one. Let the download begin. :D buy aion account
