Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Saints Row 3 and Max Payne 3!

Today has seen the release of official screenshots for Saints Row 3 screens and more surprisingly Max Payne 3!

Max Payne 3 Screenshots

It's good to see that Max Pain is still in development, with no news from the game since it the last screenshots released back in 2009. These are the only two screenshots that Rockstar posted on their twitter today.

Max looking very different here from the '09 screenshots.

Although he still has his Hawaiian shirt maybe his holiday got interrupted.

Saints Row 3

Here are just some of the screenshots from Saints Row 3 more can be found at including what looks to be the city map and i woman with a dildo sword lol.

Sky diving while shooting dual Uzi's looks like fun.

Inside environments are looking good.

Looks like the army will play a part in the game.

Saints Row games know how to keep things classy.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

A Need For Speed?

Racing games are a genre that I have grown up with I loved games such as the Grand Tourismo, Need for Speed underground and burnout all these games offered different experiences of driving. Burnout had a great arcade feel with amazing looking crashes, Need for Speed Underground had almost endless customization and Grand Tourismo had great realism. These games at the time where very unique and offered a new gaming experiences. 

Shift 2 is out now.

Shift 2 was released just this week, just a few months after last Need for Speed game "Hot pursuit". Unlike hot pursuit that focuses on a very arcadey burnout feel game, shift continues to provide a more simulation style racing game. For Shift2 is a game that i am not considering buying.

Hot Pursuit is the most critically acclaimed game in the series 

Today racing games are a genre I don't often buy into I have both Forza 3 and Burnout Paradise but I hardly ever play them. I now find racing games to be quite boring especially when playing alone. Forza is the main offender in this aspect, as the further you get into the game the longer the races get the races often are ether too easy and you stay a the front for the whole races or very hard as you try to get past cars on a very narrow track. Burnout Paradise is a game I don't often go back to as I am very near the end of the game and the difficulty is to hard for me to just pick up and play.

GTAIV a better driving game?

I think games such as GTA where driving is used for more than just racing has made me fall out of love with the racing genre, maybe I should buy Hot Pursuit to fill the racing hole. How do you feel about the racing game genre and do you still buy racing games?             

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Duke Nukem Forever?

Duke Nukem's content is certainly high brow.

Okay so Duke Nukem Forever's first trailer was shown ages ago and there has been a lot of news since. The reason am talking about the game now is that I have recently bought the game for the year edition of borderlands that contains a first access pass to Duke Nukem Forever no doubt this will mean that I get the demo a day before everyone else lol.
I am very interested to see what Duke Nukem will be like am looking forward to see if the old school style of shooting(Aka huge amount of big guns and enemies) will still work today. Am hoping it will be a nice change from the same old call of duty style games.

Huge enemies will be a feature a lot.

Mutiplayer was also announced for the game today with the typical games types being present such as "Team DukeMatch" and "Capture the Babe", (OK these are not typical game types but am sure you can guess what game type they replicate).

Duke Nukem will be available to buy this May will you be getting it?

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Saints Row Baby!

Hello everybody sorry for not updating for the last ten days. Although quite a lot has happened over of last ten days such as the rumors about GTA 5 and the xbox 720 I didn't feel I knew enough to write about them, and after all they are only rumors.

Anyway one story that I am please to hear is about is that Saints Row 3 or "Saints Row The Third" as its now know, is well underway in development and should see release at the end of this year. I loved Saints Row 2 with the amount of customization you could have and the overall over the top silliness of the whole game hopefully stains row 3 can deliver more of the same with lots of added features.

Saints Row 2 didn't focus on realism.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Find Makarov

The Best hype a fan made film could hope for has been made reality by the great minds behind the website. The trailer although not for mw3 but for the fan made film Find Makarov, is one of the best fan made film trailers I've ever seen.

Click below to watch the awesomeness.