Wednesday 30 March 2011

Saints Row 3 and Max Payne 3!

Today has seen the release of official screenshots for Saints Row 3 screens and more surprisingly Max Payne 3!

Max Payne 3 Screenshots

It's good to see that Max Pain is still in development, with no news from the game since it the last screenshots released back in 2009. These are the only two screenshots that Rockstar posted on their twitter today.

Max looking very different here from the '09 screenshots.

Although he still has his Hawaiian shirt maybe his holiday got interrupted.

Saints Row 3

Here are just some of the screenshots from Saints Row 3 more can be found at including what looks to be the city map and i woman with a dildo sword lol.

Sky diving while shooting dual Uzi's looks like fun.

Inside environments are looking good.

Looks like the army will play a part in the game.

Saints Row games know how to keep things classy.

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