Tuesday 22 March 2011

Duke Nukem Forever?

Duke Nukem's content is certainly high brow.

Okay so Duke Nukem Forever's first trailer was shown ages ago and there has been a lot of news since. The reason am talking about the game now is that I have recently bought the game for the year edition of borderlands that contains a first access pass to Duke Nukem Forever no doubt this will mean that I get the demo a day before everyone else lol.
I am very interested to see what Duke Nukem will be like am looking forward to see if the old school style of shooting(Aka huge amount of big guns and enemies) will still work today. Am hoping it will be a nice change from the same old call of duty style games.

Huge enemies will be a feature a lot.

Mutiplayer was also announced for the game today with the typical games types being present such as "Team DukeMatch" and "Capture the Babe", (OK these are not typical game types but am sure you can guess what game type they replicate).

Duke Nukem will be available to buy this May will you be getting it?

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